[SLI-public] SLCP Meetup #15 Notes

sliadmin at suffolknet.org sliadmin at suffolknet.org
Thu Sep 9 09:09:08 EDT 2021

Hello Certification Program Members,


We had a lively member meetup last week. Thanks to all who were able to
attend! Attached and written below are notes from the meeting. As always, if
you have any questions, suggestions, or resources to share please let me
know and I will be happy to share with the group at our next meetup (October
cipants-public> th, 11am). Also remember that this Mailing List can be used
to ask questions or seek resources from other SLCP Members at any time. 




SLCP Meetup #15

Thursday, September 2, 2021, 11am


Moderator / Notetaker: Annemarie Gordon

Attendance: Roger Reyes (SLCS), Sara Fiorenzo (Lindenhurst), Jen Ferriss
(Saratoga Springs), Jeri Cohen (Patchogue-Medford), Patricia Moisan
(Harborfields), Robert Goykin (Sayville), Jocelyn Ozolins (Shelter Island),
Nicola McDonald (Haverstraw King's Daughters), Lisa Kropp (Lindenhurst),
Courtney Tsahalis (Millbrook), Kelly Sheridan (Bayport-Blue Point), Lisa
Jacobs (Longwood), Janet Scherer (South Huntington), Wayne Piskin (CCP Print



Attendees introduced themselves, stated what library they are representing,
and discussed where they are in the process of becoming certified. There
were attendees representing different stages of the process, from thinking
about joining the certification program, to just getting started, and to
those whose libraries have already been certified.


Congratulations to Longwood:

Lisa Jacobs, Director of Longwood Public Library, our newest Certified
Sustainable Library was in attendance and was congratulated for working
through the pandemic to get certified. 


Vendor: CCP Solutions/PrintReleaf

Wayne Piskin, Owner of CCP Print Solutions joined our Meetup. He is working
with SLI to provide the PrintReleaf Platform to our members. PrintReleaf is
a program that offsets an organization's paper use with investments in tree
planting projects. Wayne has worked with SLI and PrintReleaf to build a
Dashboard for SLI members to aggregate their paper use and tree planting
offsets into a combined metric to demonstrate the collective impact that our
libraries are making. Please contact Annemarie (sliadmin at suffolknet.org
<mailto:sliadmin at suffolknet.org> ) for information about how your library
can be included in our Dashboard.


SLI Updates:

New resources and events are continually being added to the website.
Suggestions are always welcome. Annemarie has been working on submitting
grant and conference proposals to continue to spread the word about the work
that we are doing and our certification program. We have been seeing an
increased interest and have gained individual memberships from outside of


Jeri Cohen from Patchogue Medford library has agreed to become a mentor for
our program.




The group discussed how to deal with waste that accumulates from
MakerSpaces, specifically 3D printer plastic filaments and Cricut scraps. A
new device that remelts and forms 3D Printer filament was discussed, but the
price and quality may be barriers. Other suggestions included finding a way
to repurpose waste filament or contacting the manufacturer for recycling and
to encourage them to think through the life cycle of their product.


There was a discussion of maintaining focus on all three parts of the triple
bottom line sustainability definition, not just environmental, but social
equity and fiscal responsibility too. 


A question about how to find resources for recycling was asked. Word of
mouth and asking other SLCP participants and mentors were mentioned. This
may be a good resource to add to the SLI website.


The SLI Certification Member Listserv was also mentioned as a good place to
solicit advice and post resources.


A prospective certification member asked about the benchmark process and how
to access the details. It was explained that the list of benchmarks are
available once you enroll in the program. Annemarie is available to meet
with anyone interested and walk through the process,  highlighting some of
the Action Items. The exact path that any library takes will be individual
to the needs of that staff, library, and their community.


There was a discussion of how to elicit staff participation in the program.
Suggestions included soliciting volunteers and working together on projects
such as seedling plantings. Some libraries started with "Green Teams" and
now have evolved to "Idea Team" and shifted focus to equity, diversity, and
inclusion issues. It was suggested that this not be forced on staff.
Sometimes it is better to let a "Sustainability Team" take the lead and not
let the process be top-down directives. It was also noted that
administrative support is important and that staff turnover could be
expected, but as the process moves forward, it will gain momentum.


Hosting programs off sight was mentioned as a way to engage community
members who are not regular library users. Saratoga Springs is hosting a
Repair Cafe next to the public housing apartments in their community.
Lindenhurst have been holding programs throughout their community while
their building is under construction and this has been well received.


Our next SCLP Meetup is scheduled for Thursday, October 7th, at 11am.
Register here
cipants-public> .






Annemarie Gordon

Sustainability Coordinator

Suffolk Cooperative Library System

sliadmin at suffolknet.org

631-286-1600 x1355




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